The pattern came out of Farm Girl Quilts
Just about everything that can go wrong with a quilt did go wrong with this quilt. First, I have no business messing with triangles. Seriously. I don't know how I managed to get my seams so wrong but after I was done sewing all of the triangles together those little keystone blocks were so much bigger than they were supposed to be that I had to trim them all to make everything fit. Same with the sashings. So this quilt is maybe 10 or 15% smaller than it's supposed to be.
Then, I noticed that some of my seams were coming apart. When I flipped the quilt top over I found loops on the back. How I didn't notice this while I was piecing is beyond me. Amateur. So I had to rip some of the seams out and sew them again.
Then after I sewed the border on I noticed that it wasn't even laying flat. This must be a symptom of the seams being so off, I don't know. So I had to take the borders off and retrim them to make the quilt lay sort of flat.
Then I bought fusible batting. Oh no, never again. It didn't lay flat out of the package and it didn't stick very well, so I ended up with tucks all over the back after I quilted it. Huge, terrible, awful, worst-ever tucks. Some of them I even ripped out so I could redo the quilting, because they were that bad.
But does it pass the "12 feet away from the back of a galloping horse" test? I think so. And I did manage to get a pretty cute photo of it anyway. The question remaining, of course, is if I ought to still give it to Monica given how many problems it has. Maybe I'll just promise to make her another one when, you know, I'm a little better at this. :)
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